
Our Service Times

Coffee at 9:00 am
9:30 AM, 10:30 AM, & 5:00 PM

5:00 PM

Our Beliefs

We believe the Bible to be, as it is in truth, the Word of God consisting of 66 books which make up the Old and New Testaments, which, as originally written and providentially preserved, does not only contain and convey the Word of God, but it is the very Word of God, and that is is the true center of Christian union, and the supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds, and opinions should be tried.

I Thessalonians 2:13

We believe that every word of the Bible is inspired by God, making the Bible infallible in its content, and inerrant in its teaching. We believe that holy men of God were moved by the Holy Ghost in such a way that their writings were supernaturally and verbally inspired free from error, as no other writings have ever been nor every will be.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Psalm 119:128
2 Peter 1:19-21

We believe that God’s work in inspiration ensured the purity of His Word as it was delivered and that God’s supernatural work of preservation has ensured a pure copy of His Word for every generation, and that the extent of His work in preservation applies to the very words and not simply to the ideas and concepts.

Psalm 12:6-7

We believe that the Authorized (King James) Version Old and New Testament are the Word of God kept intact for English-speaking peoples by way of God’s divine providence and work of preservation; and that the Authorized Version translators were not “inspired”, but were merely God’s instruments used to preserved His words for English-speaking peoples.

By “providentially preserved” We mean that God has, through the ages and by way of His divine providence, preserved the very words that He inspired; that the Hebrew Old Testament Text, as found in the Traditional Masoretic Text, and the Greek New Testament Text as found in the Textus Receptus, are indeed the products of God’s providential preservation, and are together complete, preserved, inerrant Word of God.

Isaiah 40:8

Matthew 5:17-18